Ok, so I'm trying to be on top of things and get birthday and Christmas stuff done right around Thanksgiving - you know with all the great sales. However, I'm at a loss for what to get The Boy this year. Last year I totally knew what I wanted to get him, because he LOVED animals. He still LOVES animals, but I don't want anymore animals! LOL I actually wouldn't mind it, but I'm looking to expand our horizons, go a little more educational and maybe some games we could start playing together. What do you think? I started doing some research and found some awesome things from Melissa&Doug and Toys to Grow On.
So, I'm asking for your help. What did your kids LOVE when they were 3 years old? What's something you thought would be fabulous, but really wasn't? I'm hoping Santa will bring a bike this year, so that would be so fun. But what can mom and dad get him?
Here are some of the cool things I found (the images are clickable). Tell me what you think and leave me some of your favorite puzzles, games, toys, etc that three year olds love.

The digital camera has been AWESOME for Maggie, which she got last year (when she was 3). ;) Also, I'd go for a scooter before a bike for two reasons...1) if he loses his balance, instead of him AND the bike falling over, he just hops off 2) it's great coordination practice because it's different than pedaling oh and what the heck, a third thing 3) Darby has one on My friends tigger and pooh :) We have Elefun and Hungry Hungry Hippo. Elefun is great, but Maggie still doesn't "get" the hippo game. She got Hi-Ho Cherry-o last year, and it's always been one of her favorite games. If you want to get puzzles, I'd go for actual PUZZLES, not match the animal shape to the animal hole...he's going to outgrow those VERY QUICKLY! Okay, I think that's it. ;)
i was totally thinking leap frog on this one and memory. Memory was like my favorite game growing up. and when they use to have the leap frogs on display in wal-mart you could find my sisters and i playing with the.. ha ha so just some ideas.
The bowling and Elefun are fun games. I have never bought the hungry hippos game because of all the small balls and I have always had small children around who would stick those in their mouths. The leapster thingy is cute too. All of my kids love those things...even Lindsey, who doesn't really know what to do...but she's learning. Good luck!! You have some good options!
What about Imaginext Adventure: Jungle?
My kids absolutely love the thing. It isn't exactly a learning toy, but it is really cool. It shoots things out of the gorilla rock's mouth, the snakes wind down the trees, the waterfall lights up and makes noise, there is a secret pasageway and a falling cliff, and there is even a spider web that actually pulls a spider up and down. It has rainforest sounds and stuff. I like to play with it too. My three year old loves Hungry Hungry Hippo. I don't know about your little guy, but mine are really crazy about custumes of superheros and different people. Logan is really wanting an Abraham Lincoln costume for Christmas this year. They love to act out plays. You have some great ideas! Keep them coming because I need ideas for my kids too!!!
Kim just told me that Matthew loves the Elefun game and that it would be good for Tyler.
Elefun is a winner with Jeremy still. He didn't use the Leapster thing enough to make it worth it. Our Fisher Price camera broke super fast. The Silly 6 pins bowling game is fun, but hard to store, it takes us space on the floor. The pirate stuff has lasted us a long time, he keeps going back to it and it is the only toy that I got rid of that he even noticed and ended up buying it back again. LOL
jordann and my sisters kids hated the elefun...never really worked, but the beads thing is AMAZING! teaches patterns and there are levels. my mom has one that comes in a box and you stand the sticks up on the end with the pattern next to it. i'll see if i can find the brand. it's SO good for math skills. also, counting bears (fruit, whatever) are fun if he likes little guys and things. my nephew always liked to separate them by color, and then by shape, and then by...whatever.
I am getting Hannah some of the classic board games like candyland & chutes and ladders. They have modified them and made them for younger kids. I found them at target and i think you and the boy would love them!
We aren't big fans of elefun - too many peices flying around and they never really played it so it wasn't worth it. My kids love hungry hungry hippo - but you need people to play it with so i'd wait until your kids are a little older and can play with each other - plus the marbles are scary.
We have the leapfrog and don't use it as much as I wanted them to. Not really worth the money in my opinion. But you could get the letter factory video - it's great and my kids love it. Their preschool teacher recommended it and all of my kids like it.
We love puzzles, dress up stuff (yep the boys love to dress up as super heros, star wars, pirates,etc), boardgames (sorry, chutes and ladders, candyland, and kids monopoly), pirates rock (so anything pirate is cool). Have you seen the galactic hereos? My kids love them - they are small, they don't break and they encourage creative free play.
wow.. cool toys !!! i have to figure what to get elsa for birthday/christmas.. since she'll be 1 in january.. and christmas is a month before.. saw that you saw my blog. :) i'm 10 weeks, due date may 16th.. i'm around melaine's due date, i believe.. i'm exticed.. but nervous.. kids will be 16 months apart.. but it'll all be good.. how ARE you feeling.. ANY BELLY picture >?>????
I just got Carson the imaginext pirate ship and it is great. All three of mine love it. Also my kids are in to hot wheels and I got the 4 lane raceway--it's like a pinewood derby track for hot wheels. THey love it. They are also into action figures a lot. I just started getting the Planet Heroes and they really like them. The leapfrog we have no one seems to play with much. Carson would just rather play on the computer--he likes the jump start preschool game.I agree with the puzzle comment. The matching ones are way too easy. My kids also have a cheap foam bowling game that they love to play with. Hope this helps.
The boys loved the Elefun and the LeapPad, and the beading toy. Those were Little Man's favorite toys.
I wouldn't do the Hungry Hippos or any toys with small pieces because when they baby gets old enough she will lose all of the pieces to it.
All of my kids LOVED the Elefun game. It is a great game. I think the leapster electronic books are great too!
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