Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's Almost October

I'm so excited! I love this time of year and I can't wait to decorate this week. I'm really tempted to decorate the blog too, but I just did this cute pregnant look, so I'm torn as to whether or not I'm going to do it.

We had a pretty uneventful week - compared to last week's tooth fiasco. My tooth hasn't bothered me at all since I went to the endodontist for the 2nd time on Monday afternoon. I'm so happy! The Boy had a fun week and is getting so excited for Grandpa, Grandma, and Aunt K to come and see him next week. He keeps telling me that they are coming in "five minutes" and if I make any effort to correct him, he gets pretty upset about it. So, I called my dad the other night and told him that The Boy was expecting him in five minutes.We had our first Fall Story time session at the library this week and both The Boy and Baby T loved it! I got him switched to the later session, so we have a different teacher and he was concerned at first asking, "Where's Miss Bonnie?" But the new teacher did a great job and he had so much fun singing and listening to stories. We also made it to park day (finally!) and he was totally in his element playing with the other kids in the Pirate Ship. Yep, the park has a Pirate Ship play structure and since he is currently obsessed with pirates, it was perfect!Will was gone ALL week, so we were so happy when Friday afternoon rolled around and he was back from training the new hires. We got home from park day, just as he had gotten home, and so The Boy had no desire to nap. I still put him down and he laid in there for almost two hours, but didn't sleep. He finally yelled for Will and when he went in there, The Boy exclaimed, "I'm done sleeping!" When he came out I asked if he had slept at all and he said, "Nope. I didn't."
Saturday The Boy was in Pirate heaven! We went to a birthday party for one of his friend's from our old ward and it was Princess/Pirate party. We stopped at the store to get a birthday present on the way there and I found a red bandanna to put on his head to make him a pirate - they were supposed to come as a pirate. It was a spectacular party and he loved every minute of it. From the pinata, to the bounce house, to the food, and the face painting, it was just a blast. I had fun too because I got to chat with a girl that used to be in our old ward and her little boy was born in August of the same year as The Boy. The two boys had fun playing together and we resolved to get them together to play since they had such a great time and share a love of pirates! LOL

P.S. Since my camera battery has been unreliable, I've been a terrible picture taker this month. I vow to be better in October!


Jaime said...

Jeremy has been in the pirate phase for a while. Last year we did the pirate birthday and he and I were pirates together for Halloween. That was fun! It's funny because my sister and I were talking about how funny it is that we've made pirates out to be these really cool guys, when in reality they're scary jerks! Ha ha ha Is it game night yet? Seriously, only once a month? :)

Cory said...

what's up with all the kids loving pirates lately?? see my blog post about halloween. mister studly taught moma to say "arrrr, me matey. where be the candy??"

Mandy said...

Are you going to throw a party w/ a bounce house and face painting? Because if you are, I'M COMING! :)

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