So, The Boy LOVES snow! We took him out to play after church on Sunday at my parents' house and he was in love with it. He was a little unsteady walking in his boots and all the layers, but he was really good at crawling around and making a snow angel with his daddy.

Our trip to Utah is a good story to share, so I'll share it now. We left at 9:30 and The Boy wasn't asleep yet. We were sure he would fall asleep within an hour or so, so we took off and were on our way. So, um, he was up until 1:30!!!! The nutty nut boy. I drove straight through to St. George, thanks to my Mt. Dew high and singing along with The Carpenters from Las Vegas to St. George. When we stopped for gas, I ran in to go to the bathroom and buy some chapstick. During that time, The Boy woke up. Will started driving from that point on, but The Boy wouldn't go back to sleep. He was really fussy and cried and demanded to play with my hair. Will was so tired, so he said he needed to stop in Cedar City and sleep for a little bit. Well, The Boy was wide awake by then and wanted to come up in the front seat with us when we pulled over in the Walmart parking lot. Guess what? He had wet through his diaper! He never does that! Only on trips - never fail, everytime. Bleh! So I run into Walmart and pick up some new jammies and windshield wiper fluid that was rated for -20.

I'm wide awake now, so I decide to start driving again. However, we hit a snowstorm, I have a terrible stomach ache, and I'm coming off my Mt. Dew high, so we pull off the road where the 15 meets the 70 and decide to rest for a little bit. It's about 6:30 and we keep waiting for the sun to come up to make it easier to drive, but it never comes up! LOL So we had to stop and it's the last gas station before Richfield, so it was the best time. We put on a video for The Boy and Will and I pass out. I'm sure if anyone walked by our car and saw a two year old fending for himself in the backseat while his parents are passed out, it was quite a sight. We woke up about 8:30 because I hear The Boy getting into a box of Godiva chocolates we had in the backseat. Yummy! The rest of the trip went without anything much to say, but the first half was quite a ride.

On Saturday we rested and hung out, Sunday we went to church and the cousins had fun playing with one another. It was so fun to have snow for Christmas and to be with everyone. I hope we get to do it again during the summer.

I can't believe you drove all night! You are crazy! LOL! Love the snow pics! Wish we could've hung out while you were here!
That snow looks so much fun!!
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