Saturday, May 19, 2007

I Did It!

Not only did I do the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation walk this morning in support of my friend and her little baby boy that passed away at only a few days old, but I also reached my fundraising goal! So thank you to all of you that were able to support me this year and help make it a very successful fundraising year for Liam's Legacy4Ojaio's Hope walk team. The boy went with me and I have taken some very cute pictures, so if he is still asleep by the time I finish this entry, I will load them on up:) After the walk, we picked up Will and headed over to our Stake's 30th Anniversary Celebration at the park. It was too much fun! I took The Boy on the giant slide (which I also have pictures of) and I won Angel's tickets! Rock on! My Laurel Advisor really wanted to win them, so I might trade her for the Cheesecake Factory GC she won! LOL Will said we would definitely do it, if it was a $50 GC, but we think it might only be $25. We got about about an hour ago and The Boy totally crashed. He almost fell asleep our drive back from the CFF walk, but when I pulled up to the house and said, "Do you want to get your dad?" he perked right up! LOL
This afternoon we are watching our newest little nephew while his big brothers get to go and see Shrek III. He's a little peanut of a guy and I'm excited we get to keep him for a few hours. Yesterday I watched my other little baby nephew and he is such a smiley guy and The Boy just adores him. He wants to give him nonstop hugs and he just can't be too close to him. It's really cute. (He's pictured in the last Disneyland post) We also need to go and exchange my EHD because never could get it to work. After some research Will found out that the non-high end versions of the network EHDs don't work so well, so we're just going for the regular old USB hook up.
That's all the news for today! Enjoy the pictures and stop by and visit us again soon! I think I've posted twice this week! Wow!


Mandy said...

Love the pictures - and girl, you look FAB! Congrats! Just get a regular old USB EHD. It's still awesome. (Two years ago I would never have imagined myself knowing what that was. LOL!)

karen said...

IT looks like so much fun !! Congrats for meeting your fundraising goal. IT feel great, doesn't it ??

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