Where does the weekend go? I can't believe it is over already and we have to start a whole new week tomorrow. This weekend was a lot of fun for me. On Friday night my SIL had my nephew! We didn't find out that he was born until about 15 minutes to visiting hours being over, so we had to wait until Saturday to go and visit them. However, Will had to work, so I had to wait until the afternoon when he got home to go over. The hospital won't let children under 12 in, unless they are siblings. So, The Boy and I spent the day playing and hanging out. He is such a cutie! He gets more and more verbal everyday and it is so much fun! My new nephew is so tiny! He was only 7lbs 4oz and when you compare that to my 7lb 15oz bubba and my other SIL's 9lber, the new baby is a lightweight! He is adorable and I can't wait to hold him again! After the hospital we went to the adult session of Stake Conference. We got the cutest little babysitters. They are twin sisters and I wasn't quite sure how to ask them to watch The Boy. I didn't want to ask both of them if they don't like to have people assume they always want to do things together. So, when I called I just asked for one of them and it turned out it was the other that answered the phone! Anywho, when I asked the one if she wanted to babysit, she asked if her sister could come along, and so it worked out just fine. We went to dinner with the inlaws beforehand and had some yummy mexican food. I'm so addicted! I told the girls that The Boy doesn't go to sleep for anyone but me - not even his dad - so not to feel bad if he wouldn't go to sleep and I could do it when I got home. So, we get home and he's a sleep! One of them rocked him to sleep and he went to sleep! Will rocks and rocks and rocks and he still won't go to bed. I'm done with the rocking to sleep. He knows that I rock him for 10 minutes and then it is time to get in bed. We started that about 2 months ago and it has done wonders for me! He's really good at naptime too and it has freed up a lot of my time. I was rocking him like 30-45 minutes to get him to fall all the way asleep and then he'd sleep for like a half hour! So in a day I'd be rocking for 3 hours - it just got to be too much! Oh! I forgot to tell you that I was the chorister for the adult session! Yikes! That was pretty freaky to stand up in front of the entire stake and lead the music, but I did it. I also had the organist tell me "let's not drag" and I was like "yea" because I HATE when music drags! So we got along really well as far as choristers and organists go:)

Today we went to Stake Conference and The Boy was awesome! He totally last 1 hour and a half! He doesn't even make it through Sacrament meeting without having to be taken out. The last half hour he wasn't even bad, but he was getting restless and wanted to wander, so I took him out to the halls. I found out from one of my friends that was walking the halls with her 18 month old that they had the nursery open, so we headed over there and he got to play for the last little bit. Actually he only played for about 15 minutes and then he just sat in my lap because he was SO ready for a nap! He took a great 2 hour nap when we got home, but didn't wake up happy and it took him a good 30 minutes to pull out of the funk. He must have woken up during the wrong part of his sleep cycle. That is what Will always complains about when I wake him up from his Sunday naps:) We had family dinner and The Boy was in bed by 8pm and I scrapped the rest of the night. I am having to scrap at least one LO a day to keep up with all my committments. I love it though, cuz I'm getting things done!

Tomorrow we are going walking, returning some defective sippy cups to Costco and scrubbing the kitchen. This week I'd like to go to the temple and take The Boy to Disneyland. Maybe we can all go on Friday night. We'll have to see! I hope your weekend was fun and hopefully I'll blog again before too long!

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I'll leave some love at DST when I get the chance later today, but wanted to say that your layouts are AWESOME! So how many kits do you buy? :)
Girl, I can't buy anything I have too many CT kits to use. Ha!
Okay, wait, how did you get that beach kit? Actually, I should ask, How did I miss that freebie?! Isn't it Karah Fredricks?
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