Tuesday, February 06, 2007

More Than Just a Cough

So this morning The Boy woke up even more miserable and with a temp of 102.4. So I called the ped's office promptly at eight, gave them his symptoms and they agreed that he should be seen. The little monkey has an ear infection. His first one. So the nurse practicioner prescribed amoxicillin and we were on our way. He had a miserable morning and took two separate 1 hour naps before noon. I gave him some motrin along with the anitbiotic because I read on that the antibiotic won't do much for the pain in the first 24 hours, so you should give a pain medication too. That really seemed to perk him up a little and he had a good afternoon. He took almost a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and woke up in pretty good spirits. We ran to WalMart to get him some cough/cold medicine to help ease his cough so he can sleep better tonight. He was down by 8:00 and I haven't heard a peep from him since. Phew!!!!

My little smartie was riding in the car with me on the way to WalMart and we were stopped at a red light. I wasn't paying much attention, but all the sudden he started "talking". He had been relatively quiet the entire ride. He starts saying "boon" "boon" and pointing to the right. I looked out my passenger side window and sure enough there are red balloons attached to the strip mall to our right. He's such a smartie and I love the little bug. I haven't taken pictures because he just looks to sad. I should document it for his first ear infection or something like that, but he's pretty miserable looking. Hopefully he wakes up happy and healthier tomorrow.

P.S. Can you see I've become addicted to blinkies? If you know any good sites, let me know.


Mandy said...

Poor Baby! Maggie's got some sort of funk going on in her throat with a cough and runny nose. I'm praying she takes a nap today so she'll have a happy afternoon. I hope you are getting sleep, even though he's sick!

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