Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mean Mommy

No, this isn't The Boy. Just another baby with a mean mommy.

I'm a mean mommy today. The Boy fought me all day yesterday to sleep. I rocked him for a 1/2 hour in the morning, 45 minutes in the afternoon, and then he wouldn't go to sleep last night. I rocked him for an hour and he was fighting me the whole time. He didn't go to sleep until almost 11:00 last night. I thought maybe it was just a bad day, but nope, today has been the same thing. Finally, this afternoon I couldn't do it anymore. So, after rocking him for 45 minutes, having him sleep for maybe 15 mintes, I loved him for about 10 more minutes and then laid him down. I feel like a mean mommy because he's just been crying for the past 30 minutes. I told myself I'd give him an hour and then I'll just get him up. I love rocking the little boy, but I can't spend my whole day rocking him and he still get no sleep. It just isn't working. It's a big dichotomy because I also hate to hear him just cry. I feel like a mean mommy. Any advice?

We did have a fun day other than our naptime fiasco. We went to the park and played with a friend and then he and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. He is so funny when we go on walks, because when the dogs bark he tries to bark back. Tonight we have mutual, so without an afternoon nap, I am sure he is going to be just pleasant. The Beehive adviser is in charge tonight, so we might cut out early if I'm not needed too badly.

My husband and I were joking last night that The Boy has my iron will. He said we were in a battle of wits to see who would give in first. I admit, I'm very stubborn and I don't give up easily. When my husband woke me up after The Boy and I had fallen asleep in the recliner, he said, "You won!" How come I didn't feel victorious? I do know that whatever I decide to do - to rock or not to rock - I have to stick with it and not waiver. But today in order to stop being a mean mommy, I needed a break. So I closed the door to my room and hid for an hour trying to shut out his heartbreaking cry. I probably will rock for a little while longer because we are going to my mom's next week and being in a different place will surely throw him off. The woes of a mother!


Daphne said...

man this is a tough one, i don't know how much advice i can give b/c i don't have children, but you are not a mean mommy! you're a great mom.

Anonymous said...

You are a great mom girl, and even supermoms need breaks! You asked for I'll give you some. Rock for five minutes, give him your love as part of the sleep routine, and then put him in the crib. Then do the Ferber method. Just tweak it so you are comfortable with it. It is so hard to hear your baby cry, but the results are sooooooo worth it. I'll let you know more tomorrow when you are here, if you are interested in hearing what we did with #1! #2 is wayyyyyyyy too small to just cry!!

Anonymous said...

Letting him cry is the right thing to do. He'll get it eventually. Just turn off the monitor so you don't have to hear it (or go somewhere that you can't hear it). Then give him an hour. Then turn on the monitor and check. He might surprise you. Just out of curiosity, why exactly do you refer to him as "The Boy". Seems a little disassociative?

Kyla Armstrong said...

I call him "The Boy" because if you know him, you'd know his name. We'd rather keep a little privacy from those that don't really know us, but are just perusing the site. Not disassociative at all - just safe. I'm still not sold on the crying thing. My mom never did it to any of us and we are all very well-adjusted, happy, great sleepers. I've tried the hour and I've even tried two hours. I tell you, iron will. We'll see what happens, but thanks for the thoughts.

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