Friday, January 12, 2007

Disassociative - I think NOT!

I was accused by an anonymous poster (which I have since disallowed) of being disassociative because I refer to my little peanut as "The Boy". First of all, it is an inside thing with mi eposo and I and is very special to us. Second, I started referring to him as "The Boy" on the blog because I got crap from friends about sharing too much of myself on the blog. I forget that there are freakies out there that thrive on nice people like me giving too much information. I'm trying to be a Safety Kid! So, I started using our very special nickname for the little guy on the site to give him some privacy. However, I am getting tired of typing it over and over again - his real name is so much easier:) So, when I talk about The Boy on the blog I will use the nickname Junior. So much easier. My husband, who I've been calling mi esposo, will be referred to as Will - because we both think Will Ferrell is hilarious. I'll be mormishgirl - it's my screename and makes everything easier. Got it? So we are Junior, Ron and Mormishgirl. I hopes that clears things up and makes me seem less disassociative:)

We had a LONG drive to visit a friend and her new baby today. There was too much traffic for 10 o'clock in the morning. Shouldn't all those people already be at work? AHHHHH! The visit was very pleasant, however. Her baby is beautiful, her 2-year-old is hilarious and darling, and she got me on my way to start digi-scrapping. Junior took a VERY LONG nap this afternoon. He slept almost the entire drive home and then 2 hours longer once we got here. It was fabulous!!!!! I have some pictures to post of our visit today, but I will do that tomorrow. Will has to work tomorrow and we have a wedding reception to to go. Also, I need to get fabric cut out so I can take some of our product with me to Utah to work on. We only have like 5 weeks until the boutique and there is a lot to be done!!!


Daphne said...

Okay first of all, I thought your blog didn't allow anonymous comments. Second, I totally knew it was an inside joke, but that's because I know you and your hubby. I can see where other ppl might think use of "The Boy" sounds "disassociative" but ya know what? It's YOUR blog. It's your nickname for him and you've just clarified that it IS an inside joke. My friend doesn't put her mom's real name on their when she talks about her, instead she says "devil woman." same thing. some ppl might think that's disrespectful and mean, but it's an inside joke.

Those of us who read your blog know you love your child more than anything. Well, if you wanna change it to Junior that's fine. Btw, you said Will and then said Ron later. Which one is it? I'm assuming you said Ron b/c of Will Ferrell's character Ron Burgundy.

Daphne said...

sorry, meant to say there instead of their.

Kyla Armstrong said...

I'm going to go with Junior because it's easier to type. I'm so lazy and it's Will for you know who. I like Will better than Ron:) I thought my blog didn't allow anonymous either, until I signed in and found one. So I went back into the settings and fixed it again. Thanks for the vote of approval. That's why you're a friend and we love you! Are you having fun up north? Also, I like the Devil Woman idea - I have a few people that would fit very nicely!

Mandy said...

Devil Woman...that's funny!

Love the safety kids, too!

Rowena said...

Hey just blog hopping through everyone's links and decided to post a few comments on your blog...the disassociative business is so dumb, you don't have to explain things to us, this is your blog and your blog alone, you decide what you want to post on here and to heck with what everyone else has to say about this, if they have a problem with what you blog about then don't come back or stop reading...

...but I think your blog is pretty cool, so keep on keepin' on and put your shoulder to the wheel and push along, push your duty with a heart full of song, sorry, got a little carried away there.

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