Saturday, December 30, 2006

I'm Back

I think he liked the paper the best!

It's too early!!!

Here's The Boy sporting the hat I made the babies.

Baby D in her hat that I made.

I know, I know, it's been 6 days since my last post. That's almost a week and I am ashamed:) We've been crazy with family and fun and I am just having time to sit down and get back into the blogging world. I must admit that when the esposo is en casa, I like to just chill with him and They Boy and I don't get much else done. I'm sure you've all been dying to know what has been going on and to see some pictures of our little guy and his cousins at Christmas. I think that my BIL should start a blog for D because he is good with computers and Blogger is uber simple to use. I like the old version of Blogger and I am not converting to Beta until they force me into it. I will be strong!!!!!

I don't have much to say - except that we've been having a lot of fun. I am going to spend the next 5 minutes that I have carved out for blogging to post some pictures, so enjoy! Oh! My husband's brother and his wife had their little baby on Wednesday! He was 9 lbs 6 oz, I think. Big boy!!! He's adorable and I am sure I will have pictures of him soon because they are coming hom today - yea!!!!!

The babies with their aunt/mom

I drug everyone to Temple Square to see the lights - they were beautiful!

Some family shots

Tomorrow there will pics of The Boy's first haircut!


Daphne said...

i love those disneyland pics. i'm so jealous!

Daphne said...

oops my bad. i'm on crack. those aren't disneyland. i just saw lights and assumed it was disneyland. anyway, i still love those pics. and is that cousin daisy? i've heard so much about her too. very cute.

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