It has been a bit of a famine of pictures here on this blog of ours, but it has finally come to an end and now I probably have too many to share with you! I even have some videos of the babies. My youngets niece was supposed to come over during the day yesterday, but things got wild and they didn't make it over, so I never took any pictures of the three of them together. However, we will all be together at Christmas, so I will be sure to do it then.

On Friday we went to my little sis's piano recital and she did a fabulous job. On Saturday my sister, mom, and I went to the scrapbook store and I found some stuff to make gifts for the grandmothers. We also went to see
Happy Feet - which is adorable! My sis and her munchkin stayed home because she was sleeping. My munchkin went with us, watched about 20 minutes of the movie and then passed out in my arms. My sis and her husband went home around 4:00 and then the rest of us went to dinner at the Chinese Buffet. Afterwards we headed over to m brother's in-laws to say goodbye to our Iowa dwelling relatives.

Today is Sunday and it was the Primary Program in my parents' ward. It was so cute! I love the new song they sing about children holding hands all over the world. Tomorrow I return to SoCal just in time to get things ready for our Giant Family Thanksgiving Feast. The only member that won't be there is the esposo's oldest sister. Besides that we are all going to be chowing down together. We're excited to see Aunt H and for The Boy to celebrate his First Thansgiving. Enjoy the pictures and the videos!

So cute!!! Does Daisy look like her dad, or what?!
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