and I have declared it a successful summer :)
8.28.12 |
We squeezed in one last twilight swim and BBQ with friends.
8.29.12 |
And I made delicious treats.
We made a trip to the Happiest Hour on Earth
after one last trip to the water park.
8.30.12 |
The Boy attended his first Garden Party and rocked
I got to check one last item off the bucket list
and it was a delicious choice.
8.31.12 |
I'm still doing fun hair and now we're using the Knot Genie
to nip those tangles in the bud.
We made a trip to Pretend City to get a sneak peek of
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
9.1.12 |
I do not approve of the current (never ending) heat wave.
And I chaperoned a youth dance.
I feel old.
Little Miss rocked some messy buns.
I forgot to record the new season!!!
Luckily there was an encore presentation :)
9.2.12 |
And The Girl rocked a different version of messy buns for church.
I got in the spirit of Back to School!
Labor Day brought diagonal pull-throughs, a BBQ and swim party
with the A-team (including my MIL&FIL!!!!) and a nap.
9.3.12 |
We had amazing shaved ice at Sno2Go.
9.4.12 |
We got our soccer uniforms and declared ourselves
the Dynamite Dragons.
While The Girl declared herself Pinkalicious.
We had our first Back to School Feast - complete with fancy crowns :)
And The Girl had a fabulous french twist.
My baby boy started First Grade.
9.5.12 |
So I consoled myself with brunch with the REAL
Real Housewives of the OC posse :)
The Girl sported another version of messy buns.
And we closed out the summer - or opened the Fall -
with water games with the youth.
I schmoozed the office staff with some snickerdoodle bread.
9.6.12 |
And we got to preview Finding Nemo 3D with our friends
at the Disney Studios in Burbank.
I made some delicious Passion Fruit Tea Lemonade.
It's totally divine.
9.7.12 |
The Boy had his first soccer game of the new season and
I think the Mexican food the night before did me in,
and Saturday I was feeling terrible.
Curse you, diverticulitis!
My darling Will took the kids to the park and Boomers
so I could rest and let the voodoo oil work its magic.
9.8.12 |
I'm so glad that my mother-in-law is back!!!
And that she served a mission in the fruit mecca of the
Pacific Northwest :)
9.9.12 |